Why Avocado Seeds Are so Ridiculously Large

Who swallows avocado seeds?

David B. Clear
I Wanna Know
Published in
4 min readOct 9, 2020


Image by the author. Based on a photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash.

Fruits are nature’s way of convincing animals to swallow seeds. The point of that is of course for the seeds to hitch a ride to places far away from the mother plant — places where seeds may eventually end up being deposited in a pile of nutrient-rich dung, germinate, and grow into a plant of their own, thereby claiming new land for their…



David B. Clear
I Wanna Know

Cartoonist, science fan, PhD, eukaryote. Doesn't eat cats, dogs, nor other animals. 1,000x Bottom Writer. davidbclear.com